This summer we've done lots of walking up to 3000m - well above the tree line of around 1800m. At these higher altitudes the terrain is harsh and exposed, and snow patches can last all year. But somehow things still grow - a quick glance across a grey scree slope just below the Hohtürli pass and it appeared to be just thousands of stones and certainly no soil. Look a little longer and your eyes adjust to see splashes of green and pink - a 'field' of Glacier Crowfoot grow in splattered patches across the slope. The record for high alpine flowers goes to Saxifrage biflora, a pretty pink flowering plant, which has been found at above 4000m in the alps
Just below the Hohturli pass - Glacier Crowfoot - Ranunculus glacialis |
A little lower down, a crack in the rock becomes the perfect 'flower-pot' for some Dwarf Rampion
Dwarf Rampion - Phyteuma humile |
At the mouth of the Zinal glacier amongst large rocks Alpine Toadflax blooms and Pansies cover another scree slope
L: Alpine Toadflax - Linaria alpina. R:Alpine Pansy - Viola alpina |
Dwarf Soapwort and Harebells flourish in hairline cracks in boulders near the Cabane Bec de Bosson and above the Moiry reservoir
Dwarf Soapwort - Saponaria pumilio |
Dwarf Harebell - Campanula collina |
A small depression in a boulder is filled with Moss Campion near the Gemmi pass
Moss Campion - Silene acaulis |
And along a much travelled path, Alpine Saxifrage manages to survive the altitude and passing walkers tramping through.
Alpine Saxifrage - Saxifraga nivalis |