Cycling through the vineyards |
Cycling around Zinal can be hard work - it's either sweating slowly up or a white knuckle descent which leaves your hands aching from braking so hard. For an easier day out, we head down to the main valley to follow one of the many cycle routes.
SwitzerlandMobility covers the whole country - road & mountain bike, walking, inline skating and even canoe routes. The app gives you the country's best mapping for free as well.
Plenty of mapping and signs |
Many of the road bike routes are mostly traffic free tarmac and wind through the valley's fruit orchards and vineyards with occasional detours into small villages. Best to head out to the west through the vineyards and villages and then get blown back along the perfect path beside the Rhone by the prevailing winds. In the event of breakdown - you or your bike - you can always just hop on the train to get back to where you started.
Routes through hill villages and orchards |
From the upper Valais it's possible to follow the Rhone all the way to the Mediterranean - perhaps the ultimate summit to sea trip - use the
SwitzerlandMobility site for the swiss leg then
www.viarhona.com for info on the journey through France.
Routes and mapping:
Rent a bike for an afternoon or two